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2014-2015 COHORT

Find out more about the first
cohort of CRITICAT.

Welcome to CRITICAT

We are incredibly lucky to have an enthusiastic and motivated group of students enrolled on our program. This section allows you to find out more about them. You can scroll through the cohorts  above and click "read more" to learn about each CRITICAT member. You can also find out what our students think of our program below.

"The CDT taught course gave me a new perspective on learning. The first week of lectures opened my eyes to the great opportunities of the research program.

-- Chiara Pischetola

"The lab rotations were my favourite part as they helped me to quickly settle into the department and feel part of a group"

-- Ivalina Minova

The literature review has been really helpful in giving us a focused approach to beginning our PhD project. It allowed us to have a head start, and much of the cohort found that through writing the literature review we would come up with new ideas for our projects as well as developing our understanding

The literature review has been really helpful in giving us a focused approach to beginning our PhD project. It allowed us to have a head start, and much of the cohort found that through writing the literature review we would come up with new ideas for our projects as well as developing our understanding

-- Liam Donnelly

The best part of the taught course was the presentations we delivered on "impossible scientific discoveries". I’ve only ever done important presentations that involved a lot of stress. This exercise was the first time I have ever presented in a relaxed manner. It gave me the opportunity to see how I should be presenting because I wasn’t distracted by nerves.

The most important thing I have taken from the taught program is that my presentation skills have improved dramatically

-- Rebekah Jeans

November 15, 2020

Virtual Explorathon

Virtual Explorathon Starts

December 14, 2020

Science Communication Speaker

Talk on Science Communication (Teams)

March 22, 2021

Annual Conference

Annual Conference (Teams)

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EPSRC Grant: EP/L016419/1

©2017 by CRITICAT. Proudly created with

+44(0)1334 463689


School of Chemistry,

North Haugh

University of St Andrews

Fife, KY16 9ST 

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